#極光旅遊 #Vinci Wong #王賢誌
16 6 月, 2019
30 8 月, 2019
#極光旅遊 #Vinci Wong #王賢誌
16 6 月, 2019
30 8 月, 2019

今年既極光季節又開始啦! 這晚參加原住民極光觀賞團的朋友都好幸運, 睇到漫天飛舞既極光, 實在太浪漫啦! 等待極光出現既同時, 我們又可以去整原住民既特色麵包…

今年既極光季節又開始啦! 這晚參加原住民極光觀賞團的朋友都好幸運, 睇到漫天飛舞既極光, 實在太浪漫啦! 等待極光出現既同時, 我們又可以去整原住民既特色麵包,同時可以在帳篷下烤魚, 又可以體驗傳統原住民打鼓, 期待下次與大家一起參加喔!

Finally the Autumn season of aurora has come!!! This night, we went to the Aboriginal Village, and we were very lucky to see the dancing aurora! In the meantime of waiting the aurora coming out, we could make the traditional bread (bannock) together, and enjoy the barbecue fish made by the aboriginal people in the traditional tipi. At the end, we could sing along with the aboriginal people and play the drum together. We hope to see you next time in the Aboriginal Village as well! 😀




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