#Yellowknife Tours. We would like to welcome you to experience the world-class #…
7 2 月, 2019
Trout Rock #Lodge is far away from city lights and traffic noise. A great place …
11 2 月, 2019
#Yellowknife Tours. We would like to welcome you to experience the world-class #…
7 2 月, 2019
Trout Rock #Lodge is far away from city lights and traffic noise. A great place …
11 2 月, 2019

Trout Rock #Lodge is far away from city lights and traffic noise. A great place …

Trout Rock #Lodge is far away from city lights and traffic noise. A great place for aurora viewing and relax! You can view the #aurora right outside your room at anytime when it appears. The Lodge deck or on the lake are also good place to take in a 360 degree view overhead!

小島遠離市區,無光害污染,#極光 乍現時,您可以享受整晚的極光,無時間及地點的限制,甚至打開房門都能夠有機會看到極光呢。隨意在大湖附近取景,360度環迥立體,無擋無遮,追蹤那虛無但幻變之「北極光」。由於小築容納人數有限,讓您可以很自在地觀賞極光。

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