7 10 月, 2019
今晚好開心呀!客人終於睇到極光啦!睇極光真的令我學會很多做人的道理,一定要有信念,堅持,總會有晴朗的一天:) Tonight is a very happy …
17 10 月, 2019天空開始下雪了 馬上就要進入冬季
除了晚上看極光 我們還有其他很好玩的活動!
狗拉雪撬 雪上電單車 冰上釣魚
都是冬季的重頭戲! 歡迎大家查詢喔!
The sky is starting to snow, that mean winter is coming!
In addition to watching Aurora at night, we have other fun activities
Alaskan Husky Dog Sledding, Snow Mobile, Ice Fishing.
It is the highlight of the winter!
If you want to know more details, please feel free to contant us via
E-mail: yellowknifetours@gmail.com