#Enodah kennel #yellowknife #dogsled
March 22, 20202020.4.10 U Magazine 《5大極光夢幻之旅》 呢個訪問讓我回味在加拿大黃刀鎮冬夏追極光的美好時刻,好驚喜有四頁報道 我推介黃刀鎮,因為北極…
April 20, 2020
在這十年裏,極光看過很多次啊!好多人都會說你一定看到不願在看啦!這是我今年冬天剛帶完冬季的一個晚上,看到當晚的我,和客人一起在期待著極光女神來臨的那一刻,到真正來降臨在我們的頭頂上,一場龍飛鳳舞的表演在無窮的天空上跳舞,太興奮了! 我們就好想回到小時候,情不自禁的把真情流露出來啦!:)…….:)
Lots of friends always ask me you must have seen Aurora many times in all these years ….Yea I did. Do I get bored of it ? I remember this clips I have captured in my last tour for this season. I was patiently waiting for the Aurora with my guest, when the Aurora shine through the sky dancing beautifully right above us just like a natural Dance performance just for us ……Wow! What a powerful feelings !! How excited we are; 🙂 !!!! Can’t even control my true soul feelings ………:)