The night before yesterday, the night sky was painted with the most incredible c…
September 6, 2024
I heard it’s the Aurora Storm tonight. Are you joining me at the Aurora Station?…
September 12, 2024
The night before yesterday, the night sky was painted with the most incredible c…
September 6, 2024
I heard it’s the Aurora Storm tonight. Are you joining me at the Aurora Station?…
September 12, 2024


在黃刀的猞猁小築,體驗一生難忘的極地體驗之旅吧!從令人屏息的極光到世界級的大奴湖釣魚體驗和在湖中小島上品嚐煙燻午餐;跟著我們黃刀旅遊,我們導遊給您貼心服務,讓您每一刻都充滿樂趣與驚喜。✨ 我們的 5 天 4 夜行程是帶客人到深入遠離繁囂的獨立小築,是創造難忘回憶的最佳選擇。我們一起享受大自然的力量,使我們身心都放輕鬆。☺️ 📅 最後衝刺! 9 月最後的5天4夜檔次只剩:
12-16 日、18-22 日、24-28 日。 千萬別錯過!現在就預訂您的猞猁小築行程,踏出繁忙城市,放慢腳步看著我們滿天的星星,感受大自然的祝福吧!☺️🌌


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