Discover the art of ice net fishing the indigenous way – a cultural journey on f…
January 22, 2024
經過幾天的捉迷藏遊戲,美麗絕倫的Aurora公主終於回來跟大家見面了! 昨晚,在迷人的夜空下,小編有幸目睹了極光的神奇舞蹈。 綠色、紫色和粉紅色的絢麗光芒在…
January 30, 2024Look at our lovely guests who joined our snowshoeing adventure earlier this week 😚 Our tour is customized to ensure comfort and enjoyment throughout the journey. We aim to bring beautiful, smiling faces to our guests ☺️ Embark on an educational snowshoeing expedition in Yellowknife! Our guided tour offers insights into the region’s unique ecology and indigenous history. Learn about the fascinating adaptations of local flora and fauna to winter conditions while enjoying the invigorating exercise of snowshoeing. Join us for an enlightening adventure in the heart of nature! 踏上一場在黃刀的寓教於樂的雪鞋探險之旅😆 我們的導遊將深入介紹該地區獨特的生態和土著歷史。在雪鞋行走的愉悅鍛煉中,了解當地植物和動物在冬季環境中的迷人適應能力。歡迎加入我們,共同探索這段充滿啟發性的冒險之旅! #yellowknife #黃刀鎮 #aurora #snowshoe #snowshoeing