So happy !! First kick off Winter season for the first tour !!! Beautiful Aurora…
November 19, 2019
正式進入凍冰冰的天氣(-40°C) 大家準備好來黃刀鎮了嗎? 在我們的猞猁小築感受一下無光害污染的環境 無時間限制下觀看極光 讓你可以完全體驗極光的震撼! …
December 17, 2019
Are you ready?
如果有任何黃刀鎮行程的問題 ,隨時可以inbox我們。
The temperature in Yellowknife is -19 ° now. The lake’s start to freeze.
We are looking forward to see you on the winter time at the Yellowknife. If you want to know more details. please feel free to contact us.