May 16, 2022

A Canadian Fine Artist living in Parksville on beautiful Vancouver Island BC-Sus…

A Canadian Fine Artist living in Parksville on beautiful Vancouver Island BC-Susan Schaefer painted amazing aurora according to our aurora photo. Amazing and powerful~ Painting credit […]
May 16, 2022

Yellowknife Tours is assisting shuttle service emergency response evacuation fr…

Yellowknife Tours is assisting shuttle service emergency response evacuation from Hay River floods. The community, individual volunteers and government get together and help out each other […]
May 16, 2022

Yellowknife Tours is assisting shuttle service emergency response evacuation fr…

Yellowknife Tours is assisting shuttle service emergency response evacuation from Hay River floods. The community, individual volunteers and government get together and help out each other […]
April 23, 2022

The only thing better than seeing the Northern Lights in Yellowknife is seeing t…

The only thing better than seeing the Northern Lights in Yellowknife is seeing the Northern Lights after you go dogsledding! Have you been dogsledding yet? […]
April 10, 2022

Have you been to Yellowknife yet? Here’s the five reasons Yellowknife is the bes…

Have you been to Yellowknife yet? Here’s the five reasons Yellowknife is the best place in the world to see the Northern Lights! Source
February 18, 2022

我們非常開心與你分享好消息!!! 經過漫長的等待,西北特區的邊境終於即將要開放給旅客進入,讓大家可以來到黃刀鎮旅遊,一覽極光的神奇風采。 西北特區政府近日發布…

我們非常開心與你分享好消息!!! 經過漫長的等待,西北特區的邊境終於即將要開放給旅客進入,讓大家可以來到黃刀鎮旅遊,一覽極光的神奇風采。 西北特區政府近日發布消息,預計在2022年3月1日開放西北特區的邊境給旅客進出。旅客在進入西北特區7-10天以前須上網填寫自我隔離計畫Self-isolation plan,取得確認後,進到黃刀機場會進行檢查相關文件。 自我隔離計畫Self-isolation plan連結如下: 西北政府近期政策連結如下: 建議你至我們的網站www.yellowknfietours.com參考所有活動與包裝行程或來信[email protected]詢問。 Source