Trout Rock #Lodge is far away from city lights and traffic noise. A great place …
April 20, 2019
今日下午3:30 我們黄刀旅遊(Yellowknife Tours)會在會展演講廳C舉辦極光講座,榮幸邀請王賢誌先生作講者。對觀賞極光有興趣的你一定要來參與! …
June 15, 2019Hello Everybody!!! Yeah !! Yellowknife Tours is in HK again !!! Attending the annual international travel Expo at the Wanchai convention center booth S110! We will have a special guest this year for our Aurora forum on June 15 3:30pm-4pm & June 16 3:00pm- 3:30pm.大家好! 黃刀旅遊又回港啦!今年6/13-14業內和6/15 &16公眾日,其待與你們共聚。6/15 3:30-4pm 特別嘉賓演講! & 6/16 3:00-4:00 pm極光講坐呀:)