又到一年一度嘅香港國際旅遊展,我哋黃刀旅遊又再一次同大家見面啦 今年攤位喺T110,歡迎大家踴躍搵我哋了解更多關於加拿大黃刀嘅旅遊資訊!我哋有專人在場為大…
June 10, 2024
Yeah !!! This is our 11th year attending the show !! 14th years of hard work wit…
June 14, 2024
又到一年一度嘅香港國際旅遊展,我哋黃刀旅遊又再一次同大家見面啦 今年攤位喺T110,歡迎大家踴躍搵我哋了解更多關於加拿大黃刀嘅旅遊資訊!我哋有專人在場為大…
June 10, 2024
Yeah !!! This is our 11th year attending the show !! 14th years of hard work wit…
June 14, 2024

Hong Kong International Travel Expo @hkcec 2024香港國際旅遊展 @會展中心 We are ready to m…

Hong Kong International Travel Expo @hkcec
2024香港國際旅遊展 @會展中心 We are ready to meet you all! Prepare your questions, choose your dates, book with us on the spot and get our special discount 😎 我地準備好啦好期待見到大家!記得公眾日係15-16號。準備好你地既問題,選好日子,當日定團會有特別優惠😗 @ite_hk


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