Happy Lunar New Year 2022 !!!! 恭喜發財!恭祝大家身體健康,心想事成,萬事勝意,虎年行大運!!!:)
February 2, 2022
我們非常開心與你分享好消息!!! 經過漫長的等待,西北特區的邊境終於即將要開放給旅客進入,讓大家可以來到黃刀鎮旅遊,一覽極光的神奇風采。 西北特區政府近日發布…
February 18, 2022
Hurray!!! Finally! We are very happy to share the long-awaited announcement regarding reinstatement of leisure travel to the Northwest Territories’.
The Government of the NWT is announcing that changes to the current travel restrictions and self-isolation Public Health Order are expected to resume leisure travel in the NWT on March 1, 2022. All travelers including tourists will be able to travel into the NWT with an approved Self-isolation Plan (SIP) regardless of vaccination status.
A Self-isolation plan (SIP) will be required for all travelers and will determine requirements upon entry after travel, such as self-isolation if necessary. Leisure travelers are expected to apply on the GNWT site 7-10 days prior to travel.
Please see attached link for the press release from the Government of the Northwest Territories’
We recommend you to visit our website at www.yellowknfietours.com for tour information or email us at [email protected] if you have any enquiries.
Please note that some activities may not be available due to the late opening of the NWT.
We are excited to host your clients in Yellowknife under the beautiful Aurora Borealis!