Share a stunning picture by Li Ho Yi during the trip at Winter Lodge For inform…
December 26, 2018
#Dogpower has been used for hunting and travel for over a thousand years. As far…
December 28, 2018The #Bombardier #icefishing tour on Great Slave Lake
magine, heading out in a bombardier, over a stunning lake of snow and ice to photograph some of the rare beauty that makes the North so magical. Learn about the pressure ridges that create impressive ice heaves. Or try your hand at ice fishing, see a demonstration of commercial fishery and sample the catch.
Bombardier #冰湖釣魚
乘坐傳統“Bombardier” #雪車 (可容納八至十人) 在冰封的 #大奴湖 上, 體驗傳统原住民網釣捕魚及觀賞壯觀遼濶的冰湖美景; 並與當地漁民分享北面的歷史生活, 真真正正地, 體驗當地魚民在大奴湖上的捕魚方法。於成功網捕豐收的魚獲後, 即時用原住民方式现場生火烹魚, 在温暖的湖上小屋内一嚐美味的本地不同魚類, 更準備了地道的煙燻魚及魚子醬供各位享用。在小屋内可作小休, 提供熱飲及避寒之用。有想過在那絕無污染之加國第二大湖內, 享用那即捕即宰之魚生嗎?
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